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You may have heard that electronic warfare becoming increasingly important. 应用和产品不断发展. 但是电子战是什么意思呢? 我们来看看基本的.

“简而言之, it is about detecting or disturbing electromagnetic emissions, 通常是雷达发射信号或通信信号. 例如, 它可以用来保护飞机, 直升机, 或从雷达或红外制导导弹”, 汉普斯·德林说, head of strategy and portfolio within Saab’s business unit Electronic Warfare Systems. “It can be used for protection when you go into harm’s way, or to take offensive measures during a military or grey zone conflict, 或者在和平时期获得态势感知.”

Saab offers electronic warfare solutions not only for aircraft but also for ships and land-based systems such as ground based air defence (GBAD) solutions. This article explores the background to Saab’s and 瑞典’s achievements within this field. 

Electronic warfare has evolved significantly over the years, 在技术方面也进行了大量投资. Saab’s experience within electronic warfare goes back more than 50 years. The need to protect fighters from air-to-air missiles or ground based air defence was the main reason for this development. Early systems include the attack and reconnaissance aircraft Saab 32 Lansen could be equipped with chaff dispensers used against the opponents’ radar. The Saab 37 Viggen could be equipped with an electronic warfare system and flare dispensers to protect it from missiles with infrared seekers. 箔条和照明弹迷惑了攻击者的系统, working as decoys to divert the attacking robots from the aircraft.  

1. 瑞典和冷战

Saab has a strong position as a supplier of electronic warfare products, 用于各种用途和广泛的国家. 汉普斯·德林指出了四个主要原因. The first is historical and goes back to the Cold War. 瑞典 was a non-allied nation and geographically situated between the two military blocs Nato and the Warzaw pact. 
“瑞典 created its own solutions as we could not rely on technology from the other nations. The Swedish defence industry was forced to build up own capabilities to develop these products”, 利林说.  

2. 避开对手的雷达

A second reason for Saab’s expertise within electronic warfare is that radar and radar guided weapons have always been a main threat for aircraft, 作为飞机制造商, 电子战是一项关键技术. 空气craft move fast and to detect them, you often need a radar.  This also means you want to protect your aircraft from the opponents’ radar. 在这里, electronic warfare really comes into play and can be used to avoid being detected as well as to protect the aircraft in the event of an attack.

3. 较强的技术专长

The third explanation behind Saab’s success within electronic warfare can be found in 瑞典’s long-standing expertise within cutting-edge technology. Hampus Delin explains that 瑞典’s progress within microwave technology has had particular impact on electronic warfare development. 在过去几年中,这一趋势有所加速, with a rapid digitalisation and solid-state technology becoming the norm. One of the latest steps here is to build components based on gallium nitride. 

Gallium nitride is a semi-conductive material that withstands higher temperatures, provides better bandwidth and offers higher output power than previously available materials. This means that wattage goes up and component sizes go down, which means the for example that the jamming range can be extended. 

“One key new introduction is our gallium nitride technology for our active electronically scanned array (AESA) antennas. This is the culmination of a long-term research project that Saab has carried out together with the Swedish Chalmers university of technology and the Swedish Defence Materiel Administration”, 利林说. 

AESA antennas differ from traditional antennas because the direction in which they “look” or transmit is steered electronically. This means that the antenna can be steered electronically to point in different directions, 不需要实际移动天线. 

4. 为鹰狮提供尖端保护

The fourth and final reason is the development effort leading related to Saab’s advanced multi-role fighter Gripen, 尤其是它的最新版本, 鹰狮E. 它配备了现代化的设备, advanced electronic warfare system adapted for the most complicated threat environments. 

“Gripen E avoids detection through electronic warfare; with a combination of passive sensors as well as active jamming. This means the pilot can see without being seen”, Hampus 利林说.


Over 50 years of electronic warfare innovation mean that Saab now provides electronic warfare solutions that can be used on a variety of platforms in the air, 陆地和海洋领域.    

“电子战变得越来越重要. 我们在所有领域都看到了这一点,”汉普斯·德林总结道.  “We have taken knowledge and technology initially developed for aircraft and can now apply it to ships or land-based systems. It’s all about protecting operators and assets while still having the best possible operational capabilities”.